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Help us improve our local mental health services and support website: Keep-Your-Head.com

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough’s flagship mental health information and support website (Keep-Your-Head.com) has been providing reliable mental health support since 2016. The website needs bringing up-to-date to ensure it is user friendly and provides the latest information on local services and support available.  To do this we need your help!

To help shape this website refresh project, we’re asking local people to fill out a short survey to help gather feedback on the current site and how they currently find out about local information and support available. The survey will run until Sunday 17 September.

Here is the link to the survey: bit.ly/KYHSurvey

Your feedback will inform the refresh of the Keep-Your-Head.com website to ensure we develop an improved all-age, single point of access mental health website, with advice and information about mental health services and support in the region and highlight recent updates, changes and useful activities. For more information about the refresh project please visit the dedicated page on the ICS website here: www.cpics.org.uk/keep-your-head-refresh

If you would prefer to share your views over the phone instead, please contact [email protected] to arrange a time and date to take part.

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