
To nurture the skills of resilience is key to providing young people with the ability to cope with stress, adversity, failure and challenges. Resilience is evident when young people have a greater ability to “bounce back” when faced with difficulties and achieve positive outcomes.

Resilience allows an individual to think about daily exercise outside of PE lessons, improving their health and well-being. It encourages them to think of the personal benefits, and environmental benefits. Children and young people are becoming increasingly concerned about the environment and for them to be aware that small changes can make a difference will help both now and in the future.

Walking to school helps children build healthy habits for life, reduces congestion and air pollution around schools, and improves safety and gives families quality time before and after school

Travelling to education is the most common single purpose of walking journeys but there is huge potential to increase the proportion of children walking to school. A generation ago, 70% of primary school children walked to school but this has dropped to just over half (53%).

The government has a target in its Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) to have 55% of primary school children walking to school by 2025.

Over the period 2018 to 2019 the Walk To School Outreach (WTSO) project promoted walking in 275 primary schools including 133 new schools. The project is estimated to have encouraged around 10,000 extra children and around 2,500 extra adults to walk to school over this period.

A final evaluation carried out at the end of March 2019 shows that walking rates increased by 38% among new WTSO project schools and increased walking rates were sustained in existing schools in 2018 to 2019. This represents around 4 million new walking trips and 1.3 million fewer school run car journeys in that year with total vehicle miles reducing by around half a million.

Source – Department of Transport 7th February 2020

Local Support

Road Safety Education for Schools

Road Safety Education for Schools The Cambridgeshire road safety team have a wide range of road safety resources and schemes available that are specially designed for different school age groups. Early Years Road Safety Education A child can learn a lot about road safety through play.  It may be something as simple as identifying traffic

Read More About Road Safety Education for Schools

Road Safety Peterborough – Initiatives and Campaigns

The Travelchoice and Road Safety team at Peterborough City Council offer many free resources, workshops and support to help schools encourage staff, pupils and parents to travel to school in a safe, healthy and sustainable way. We work with a range of expert partners to offer a huge variety of free initiatives, projects, campaigns and

Read More About Road Safety Peterborough – Initiatives and Campaigns
