Eyes and Ears – a programme for the community
The Community Eyes and Ears programme provides an ideal platform for people of all ages to become more aware of the issues that can undermine personal safety and thereby emotional wellbeing but at the same time gain an understanding of how they can make a difference to their own lives and those around them. This may simply be a matter of spotting the signs that all may not be well with a neighbour, colleague, friend and knowing how to report potential concerns.
More information can be found here:
From the Community programme, Eyes and Ears For Schools has developed which supports the Relationships and Health Education curriculum. Although this is tailored towards primary schools, there is a bespoke module for secondary schools that addresses the theme of gaming and gambling. The teaching materials are FREE to download and have been produced by East Cambridgeshire District Council in conjunction with Cambridgeshire Police Children and Young People’s team as well as Cambridgeshire PSHE Service with the aim of facilitating schools to raise awareness of a variety of risk-taking behaviours.
Primary school
The primary Eyes and Ears package comprises of 4 self-delivery modules and is targeted at Years 5/6 to help raise awareness of the importance of personal safety.
Each one contains interactive activities and a variety of scenarios to promote discussion as well as encourage a positive approach to managing risk. The themes are as follows:
Module 1: Is It Worth It? Exploring risk taking behaviour.
Module 2: Keeping Safe Online
Module 3: Friends Against Scams
Module 4: Playing Games and Taking Chances
The resource pack for each module includes a presentation with embedded video links, supplementary activity sheets and a detailed lesson plan.
The estimated time for delivery of each module is 60 minutes so that each one can be integrated and delivered as part of the wider RHE curriculum.
Schools that deliver all four modules will receive acknowledgement in the form of a certificate and use of the Community Eyes and Ears logo which has been commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner as part of the building resilient communities project. This acknowledgement will provide good evidence for Ofsted of both the action taken to raise awareness of a variety of risk-taking behaviours as well as the commitment to building a safer, more tolerant and resilient school community.
Secondary school
The Eyes and Ears focus for secondary students is Gaming and Gambling. This module, created in response to staff feedback, is designed to be delivered as part of a timetabled PSHE lesson or a themed conference day. There are two lesson presentations (one for Gaming and the other for Gambling) Each is expected to take 60 minutes to deliver and contains embedded video links, supplementary activity sheets as well as a detailed lesson guide.
The following questions are addressed:
How do people feel when they play games?
What are the good things about gaming?
When might online gaming get risky?
Can gaming include risks with money?
What should gamers consider if they are thinking about buying a loot box? · Is buying loot boxes gambling?
What are the similarities between gaming and gambling?
What do people think about gambling?
What is gambling?
Which sorts of gambling are riskier?
What makes something riskier?
What do we know about the gambling industry?
How can a problem be detected?
Who can help?
Staff awareness online module
The aim of this module is to raise awareness amongst all members of the school community of themes such as: cyber-crime, scams and fraud, hate crime, children and adults at risk of abuse and neglect, radicalisation, loneliness and modern slavery.
The idea is for individual staff members to reference the module in their own time to access the key points of information and relevant video clips which will support them to identify and report issues of concern both within the school and local community.
The approximate duration of the module is 45 minutes.
A booklet to support the module can be found here
Community BookletTo request copies of this booklet for the staffroom or school use please email –
How To Get Involved
All the programme materials can be downloaded from this link:
Eyes and Ears DownloadsTo request the passcode to gain access to the files simply click here:
To access Module 5 of the Primary Programme: Healthy Belonging which builds on the understanding of Healthy Friendships and explores coercive behaviours often linked to county lines, click here