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The sense of community and the motivation to look out for each other has never been more significant than in the here and now of daily life.  Staying safe and keeping well are priorities for us all and everyone has a part to play.

The Community Eyes and Ears programme has been funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and informed by the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire Safeguarding Board in consultation with East Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership.

It provides an ideal platform for people of all ages to get involved and understand how they can make a difference to the lives of those around them by simply spotting the signs that all may not be well with a neighbour, colleague, friend and knowing how to report potential concerns.The Eyes and Ears staff awareness module is designed to raise awareness amongst all members of the school community of themes such as: cyber-crime, scams and fraud, hate crime, children and adults at risk of abuse and neglect, radicalisation, loneliness and modern slavery.

The idea is for individual staff members, including non-teaching staff and governors, to reference the module in their own time to access the key points of information and relevant video clips so that they are supported to identify and report issues of concern both within the school and local community.

The approximate duration of the module is 45 minutes and a certificate can be gained on completion.

As well as the staff awareness module, secondary schools can access a mentoring programme targeted at Y8 and 9 students which is fully resourced with a slide presentation containing embedded video clips, a teacher’s guide and student workbook. The programme explores the role and expectations of being an effective mentor and equips the students with the skills and knowledge to be able to recognise and report potential issues of concern relating to:

  • on-line safety
  • sexting and sharing indecent images
  • money laundering
  • healthy versus unhealthy relationships
  • hate crime
  • safeguarding
  • gangs /organised crime groups
  • radicalisation/extremism
  • vulnerability

For full details please check out:

Community Eyes and Ears

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