Our Sponsors

Personal, Social and Health Education

Young Minds – Help for parents


Alcohol Education Trust – Parent Page


Team Teeth


NatWest Money Sense


NHS Dental Health Care


Family Lives

Teenagers and sleep


SIBS Service

Sibs is the only UK charity for children and adults who are growing up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. They provide information, support and training on sibling issues for adult siblings, young siblings, parents and professionals.

They run www.youngsibs.org.uk – an online support and information service for children and young people aged 7-17, who have a brother or sister who is disabled, has special educational needs or a serious long-term condition.

Young siblings can:

  • Get information about disability and conditions, and tips for enjoying life and dealing with feelings.
  • Get help from the Sibs team with sibling issues at home and at school.

Relationships, sex and health education: guides for parents


Parenting Teenagers – Relate


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