Living in the Wider World

To nurture the skills of resilience is key to providing young people with the ability to cope with stress, adversity, failure and challenges. Resilience is evident when young people have a greater ability to “bounce back” when faced with difficulties and achieve positive outcomes.

Resilience enables young people to have a sense of moral purpose and to be passionate and reflective learners who choose to respect each other as well as the natural world. 

‘Living in the Wider World’ is a themed area of PSHE content described by the PSHE Association Planning PSHE education ( It is an example of one way to structure your curriculum. Learning about living in the wider world is linked to some elements of the newly statutory areas of Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education (Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education guidance ( Children and young people should learn about these areas at both primary and secondary levels. This theme covers a number of areas which children and young people need to know, relating to respecting others, being a responsible and contributing citizen of their community, their country and the wider world. It can include safety and risk management in the community, philosophy, finance and economics, politics, the environment, cultures and citizenship. Many areas are cross curricula.

The Department for Education’s statutory guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), and Health Education sets out the content that is compulsory for schools to teach from September 2020. What a school teaches beyond that content is a decision for them, however the PSHE Association strongly recommend that schools teach the statutory content within a broader, comprehensive PSHE education programme for the following reasons:

  • The Department for Education (DfE) says: ‘All elements of PSHE are important and the government continues to recommend PSHE be taught in schools.
  • If the non-statutory elements of PSHE education are not taught, the ‘personal’ aspects of economic wellbeing will be lost. PSHE complements the financial education covered through Citizenship and Maths but covers the personal aspects of economic wellbeing.
  • PSHE education is the vehicle through which schools can best ensure they meet many of the Gatsby benchmarks. DfE data shows that the most common approach to careers education is delivery through PSHE lessons (87%), including the crucial early learning in primary years that raises aspirations and broadens understanding of the world of work.
  • Health, relationships, economic wellbeing and successful careers are all linked. PSHE is the glue that binds them together. It gathers all these aspects of preparing for modern life together into a coherent curriculum subject.

Source: PSHE Association January 2020

AQA offers a wide variety of free resources in regard to citizenship which include:

  • Democracy and Government (62 lesson plan options)
  • Diversity (34 lesson plan options)
  • Informed action and global citizenship (24 lesson plan options)
  • Rights and responsibilities (47 lesson plan options)
  • Law and Justice (70 lesson plan options)
  • Managing money (28 lesson plan options)

The Human Rights Commission offer free lesson plans/resource in regard to citizenship as follows:-

  • Actions and Consequences
  • Developing Empathy
  • Identity and Characteristics
  • Diversity
  • Prejudice and Stereotypes
  • Discrimination
  • Equality Act 2010
  • What are Human Rights?
  • How does Human Rights work?
  • Balancing Human Rights
  • Influencing Attitudes Taking Action

Local Support

Cambridgeshire Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Service

Cambridgeshire Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Service The Cambridgeshire PSHE Service provides guidance, consultancy, training and resources to support and enhance the health and wellbeing of children and young people and their learning. This includes the curriculum for PSHE and Citizenship: its content, approaches to teaching and learning and monitoring and assessment. We also

Read More About Cambridgeshire Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Service
