Multi-agency safeguarding training is important for supporting the collective understanding of local need and for practitioners to be effective in universal services and across the safeguarding pathway. This spans from early help through to targeted and specialist services.
To be effective, practitioners need to continue to build their knowledge and skills and be aware of the new and emerging threats.
Individual organisations and agencies are required to ensure that their workforce is sufficiently trained and competent in safeguarding children and/ or adults and to meet the needs of the children, young people and families.
This is achieved by providing training that leads to:
- A shared understanding of processes, roles and responsibilities for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare
- More effective multi-agency and integrated working
- Improved communications between professionals including a shared understanding of definitions, terms and thresholds
- Good working relationships
- Effective and appropriate information sharing
- Sound decision-making, based on child focussed assessments, critical analysis and professional judgement
- Embeds the learning from SCR’S, learning case reviews and reviews of child deaths
Visit Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Adults and Children Board