The Daily Mile™
Target Audience: Primary Schools, SLT, PE Coordinators
Delivery Method: The Daily Mile is delivered through the class teacher during curriculum time, taking 15mins to jog or run outside. Register for free with www.thedailymile.co.uk
Intended Outcomes: Increased level of physical activity undertaken by all children through The Daily Mile, leading to increased fitness levels and improved social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
Summary of Intervention/Programme: The Daily Mile is a national initiative, supporting schools to get children fit for life and fit for learning, by encouraging them to run or jog for 15 minutes every day in their schools or nurseries. It takes place outside in the fresh air during the school day, at a time of the teacher’s choosing. Children run in their school clothes and no special kit or equipment is required. For more information please contact Kieran Spitzer, Programme Delivery Officer: [email protected]
The Daily Mile logo and ‘The Daily Mile’ name are trademarks belonging to The Daily Mile Foundation, Hawkslease, Chapel Lane, Lyndhurst, UK and are reproduced with permission. All rights reserved.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough School Games
Target audience: Contact through teachers for 7 – 16 year olds to take part.
Method of delivery: Targeted sports festivals
What is the Cambridge and Peterborough School Games?
The Cambridge and Peterborough School Games is part of the national School Games programme. It is a government-led programme which aims to inspire children and young people to be physically active. The Cambridge and Peterborough County wide School Games events are planned and implemented by Living Sport and are funded by Sport England. These events are free for all schools to take part in.
Our county wide School Games events target primary and secondary school pupils who would benefit most from being more physically active. Rather than focussing on competition and sporting outcomes, we will design events that encourage participation for all children.
Our School Games vision – 2023/2024
In 2023/2024, our School Games Programme will focus more on supporting disadvantaged young people, working in a place-based way to break down barriers to participation, with support from School Games Organiser (SGO’s)
Our events will continue to make clear and meaningful differences to the lives of children and young people that can benefit the most from physical activity, sport, and movement.
Living Sport will provide opportunities to all schools across the county to participate in events targeted to specific cohorts of students. This includes the annual Colour Run held in the autumn term, the disability and inclusion event held in the spring term and various placed based events held throughout the spring and summer term.
For more information, please contact David Welch: Children and Young People Manager: [email protected]

Active Lives Children and Young People Survey
Target audience: Contact through Senior Management/PE Lead for year 1 – 11 to take part.
Method of delivery: Online Surveys
Intended outcomes: Data collected from the pupils at selected schools will be invaluable in understanding not only the levels of participation but also attitudes to sport and physical activity which will ultimately help shape future policy and investment in local areas.
Summary of Intervention/Programme: The Active Lives Children and Young People Survey is a Sport England run project which has been developed by the Department of Education, the Department of Health and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. The survey is aimed at children and young people to measure participation in sport and physical activity in school years 1 to 11. The study will provide Sport England, government departments and other partners with a broad and deeper understanding of participation in, and attitudes towards, sport and physical activity, shaping future policy and investment. Schools taking part will be able to learn more about their pupil’s engagement in sport and physical activity enabling them to compare against national data and further understand the need and interests of their pupils. Schools will be selected at random by Ipsos MORI who will be carrying out the survey on behalf of Sport England and Government departments with support from a national network of Active Partnerships (APs) who work in partnership with Sport England to support local communities. For more information on whether your school has been selected to take part or how you can opt-in your school, please contact David Welch: [email protected]
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