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Raisin Awareness Project

The Raisin Awareness Project offers a whole school approach to promoting Oral Health covering many aspects as suggested in the NICE pathway Improving oral health in primary schools – NICE Pathways .

The Raisin Awareness Project, set up by the not-for profit company Awesome Oral Health CIC, aims to link primary schools in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough with dental practices to help reduce the risk of tooth decay in children. It consists of 3 key components:

  1. Raisin Swap for tooth-friendly vegetables (to replace the dried fruit provided x6 times per year as part of the school fruit and vegetable scheme)
  2. Support for school and families to review whole school snack policies
  3. Regular Oral Health Literature (sharing key dental messages from the evidenced-based Delivering Better Oral Health toolkit in a fun child-friendly format)

It’s easy and simple for schools to get involved.

To find out more visit: www.awesome-oral-health.com

To ask any questions or have a chat about the project, email: [email protected]

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