Proveg is an International Food Awareness Organisation dedicated to promoting plant-based foods that are positive for health and the environment.
Plant-based foods:
- can help reduce childhood obesity
- do not include many common allergens
- reduce the risk of foodborne illness and can help establish long term healthy eating patterns.
Proveg want schools to take advantage of these great benefits and that is why ProVeg is asking all UK schools to make five small changes that can have a big impact.
They are:
- Ensure there are meat-free meals offered daily
- Make the meat-free meal different to the meat-based one
- Have at least one meat-free day each week
- Ensure the wording and order of meals on the menu does not suggest the meat-free meal is inferior
- Take all processed red meat off the menu
Through the School Plates initiative, Proveg helps schools, local authorities, and caterers to make simple and easy-to-implement menu changes that are proven to increase the uptake of meat-free meals. These changes can help reduce carbon footprints and encourage more sustainable choices! For more details go to