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Mental health is everyone’s responsibility

The Anna Freud Organisation has created an evidence-based framework so that schools can decide on their own approach to mental health and wellbeing in 5 simple steps. The 5 Steps Framework is developed by mental health experts and teachers, for teachers. It’s interactive, it’s simple and it’s free. It will help you to support staff, lead

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Farmvention (when farming meets invention) is a national STEM competition run by NFU Education and aimed at children aged 5 – 14 (school years 1 -9) in England and Wales. This year, the challenge is all about the problems that climate change creates for British farmers and how they are fighting it to become Climate

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Natwest *NEW* Money Management Resources

Nat West Bank offers free resources, lesson plans and activities for students from KS1 through to KS5. Registration is required to access the lessons. They can also offer school visits, if requested. MoneySense has been awarded the Financial Education Quality Mark by Young Money. The programme is based on the Financial Education Planning Framework, and

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The National Schools Partnership Initiatives for 2020/21

Covering PSHE topics such as Oral Health, Hygiene Education, About You – the Partnership’s NEW Puberty, Wellbeing and Relationship programme aligns with the requirements of the RSE and Health Education curriculum. It also includes resources on money management entitled econoME: decisions matter which are accredited by the PSHE Association and Young Money. Schools can register

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