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Eco Charter Funded Offer For Schools In East Cambs

East Cambridgeshire District Council has become the first council in the country to run a new programme dedicated to helping schools achieve Ofsted’s sustainable development goals. It gives schools the fantastic opportunity to showcase their amazing environmental work for the benefit of pupils and the wider community. This could include improving energy use, reducing paper, plastic or

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Hampton Hargate Primary School

Congratulations to Hampton Hargate Primary School – the most recent school to achieve the Healthy Schools Bronze Award Finding innovative and appealing ways to involve all the staff and students in a range of health and wellbeing initiatives has been exemplary and reflective of the dedication of everyone throughout the school to continue to improve

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Raisin Awareness

The Raisin Awareness Project offers a whole school approach to promoting Oral Health covering many aspects as suggested in the NICE pathway Improving oral health in primary schools – NICE Pathways . The Raisin Awareness Project, set up by the not-for profit company Awesome Oral Health CIC, aims to link primary schools in Cambridgeshire and

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Teaching Resources to support the Better Health Food Scanner App

As part of the new childhood nutrition campaign from Better Heath, Public Health England has just launched a new  NHS Food Scanner  App to help students and their families explore what is in their food and drink in an interactive and fun way, enabling them to make healthier swaps and choices. A range of curriculum

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